The Rotary Club of Hornsby District Annual Report 2019 – 2020
Third time as President should have been straight forward, you would think, but as in life nothing is certain with many curve balls thrown our way to make 2019-20 a unique Rotary Year.
Starting the year medically unfit wasn’t part of the plan which didn’t help but with the strong support of the club members and my rock Heather we were able to get the year off to a strong start with fund raising and planning, little did we know what was ahead.
The club was very ably supported by District Governor Kalma McLellan who visited our club on 22nd July which involved the rollout of both our plans of what lay ahead. Kalma was always available to discuss thoughts and ideas, it was a pity Kalma didn’t get the opportunity for a traditional Conference as we are sure it would have been a great success, thank you, Kalma.
Whilst speaking about District I would like to thank Assistant District Governor Bruce Jacob and fellow Zone Presidents for their feedback and support throughout the year.
Normally one of the privileges of President is to present Paul Harris awards for outstanding achievements of the public and or/club members. This year I have two outstanding recipients but as we will not be having a Change Over Dinner at this time and with the blessing of incoming President Kylie, it was decided to carry over these awardees to an appropriate time when we can celebrate in style.
When it comes to thanks I know our club is privileged as it always has members prepared to step into the breach when required as shown by Simon and Sivaraj when we were overseas October last (overseas what’s that you may say).
We have new members on the board this year which is always a learning curve with Stephen (Treasurer) Sahar (Secretary) taking on key roles a big thanks. As you can see from the Directors reports much was still achieved so thanks has to go to Simon, Wendy, David, Sivaraj, Sadia, Kylie, Lillian, Bev and Joe.
No club could operate without Sergeant Bill and his fine sessions along with Bobby and Simon who came to the clubs aid with their knowledge and nous when the COVID19 hit which meant our club didn’t miss a beat, well done.
To Vice Presidents Paul and Monique who always want to give and help, thank you. Gail made sure we were all fitted out in new shirts which means Rotary comes in all shapes and sizes.
This year we welcomed Lilian who stepped straight into the Community role which was appreciated.
We also lost two stalwarts of the club Vince Duffy a previous long term member and of course our beloved International Director Greg Timewell who was Rotary from the top of his head to his bootlaces. Everyone who knew Greg was privileged and he knew what Rotary meant, Greg didn’t just talk about it, he acted.
Greg Timewell 27 March 1946 – 11 August 2019
A highlight of the year was the 70th Anniversary of the Club organised by Robert Caldwell held at Magpies. The night was attended by members, District Presidents and Assistant District Governor Bruce Jacob. A very nostalgic night finishing up with an anniversary cake made by
Gail Farr.
I also had the privilege of attending the 40th Anniversary of The Hornsby Probus Club as a Guest of Honour. The Club was sponsored by us and it is pleasing to see the Club prospering so well.
The start of the social year was Christmas in July @ the Hogan’s, (House of Huey) even the cool of the evening could not stop a good role up with a fire pit and firewood provided by Bobby.
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We also had club outings at the theatre “Ride Like a Girl” a (Foundation fund raiser). Of course, who could forget Santa (Paul) attending our Christmas Party at Bobbin Head and the smiling faces of the kids as Santa gave out his goodies. We got off to a good start in January with a visit to “Joyful House” Chinese which got everyone’s appetites firing for the next six months but then came along the virus to shut all social events down.
Fund Raising is a big event in Rotary as it provides the funds to enable us to give which certainly has been curtailed. This year a Trivia Night in February, Wine sales, International Coin Account and Sergeant fine sessions have been restricted, even so with the help of supporting Rotary clubs we have been able to distribute $15,151.68 Internationally and $10,000 locally.
Note: Port Klang Rotary club has very generously supported Drought and Fire relief programs with the help of Sivaraj. A big thankyou again.
Under the guidance of Treasurer Stephen, we have been able to keep aside funds for the future in the way of cash and goods to support the incoming board as we don’t really know what next year holds for us in fund raising and social distancing rules.
Carnival Cruise lines via Geoff has again supplied a variety of unused product along with used furniture and clothing to be redistributed to the needy which we greatly appreciate. Geoff has again provided warehousing and transportation services at no cost to the club, well done Geoff.
A lot of time this year was spent with connecting with the local community and our involvement with Hornsby Chamber of Commerce, Hornsby council and local Rotary Radio Triple H 100.1. Thank you to Ian Stuart for sending us emails on various topics and podcasts from the Rotary Radio Show.
Community involvement has been made easier with Lilian’s vocation as Community Officer with Hornsby TAFE. An example of this was the community coming together for “Sizzle in the Mall” in which all the support groups of youth in the area came together to provide advice at the same time as a sausage sizzle with plenty of other food and drink provided by local businesses.
Our club was on hand flying the Rotary flag.
August saw Wrap with Love pick up with Dennis, Heather, Stephen, Anita, Kylie, Joe and David. A special thanks to Phil Pearce from Dennis’s office who drove the van from Hornsby to Alexandra, back again and then went off to work.
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Anzac Day usually attended by one of our members was cancelled to a candlelight driveway
vigil. Bobby Holder organised “The Rampart” Remembrance.
We shall Remember them
Local Rotary events have been certainly curtailed in the second half of the year with the postponement of Pride of Workmanship Award night and Aged luncheon, Tottenham student vocation week, Salvation Army Collection, just a few of events to suffer but we have been able to keep ourselves involved in other ways such as the Clean-up Australia, the Dementia Café (project currently under review) and Bowel Scan co-ordinated by Arthur.
Clean Up Rotary style
A new Rotaract club in the district was formed during the year by Wahroonga. Grant and I attended the charter night of Hornsby Kur-ring-gai which now provides a spot for our inspiring future Rotarians. Interact club @ Abbotsleigh continues to grow under the guideship of Lynn Bradfield.
The big three outside events for the year have been Drought, Bushfires and COVID19 so three big challenges. The drought is an ongoing event and it was only natural for us to hone in on Tottenham which we have supported over the years. They have since had some relief with rain, but families are still affected. We have joined the “Adopt a Town” project which has allocated this area to us to help now and in the future.
Geoff Sell along with incoming President Ian Docker of Cowra were able to distribute 60 donated half hams for Christmas into the area which was a start with a further $3,500 to be provided by our club to effected families in continual support.
Then came the bush fires which devastated large tracks of the country on the east coast. Heather and I visited both south and north coast fire zones along with the Blue Mountains Kurrajong area which hit the community hard. Kurrajong North Richmond Rotary called for help and we were able to provide $4,000 to help individual families, the roll out of funds continues as we do this report.
I know there is someone I have missed in thanking, but I came into the year with the desire to involve all members in community events which I thank you all once again.
Heather will this year step down as Bulletin Editor after 10 years of active service for the Rotary Club of Hornsby District in many roles including President, Bulletin editor, Social director and of course my “Rock” and support as three stints as President. A Big Thank you
To the Coin Committee, collectors and sorters I thank you for what you have done this year, unfortunately our supply of Canadian, US and Euro coins remain in Stephan Bruce’s garage hopefully for us to take next year on our trip.
Thanks also goes to David and Paul for attending the Remembrance Day service at Hornsby.
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Sahar returning from overseas with a Club banner from the Rotary Club of Dubai |
As always the connection with Malaysia is evident with Sivaraj.
I wish Kylie and her new board all the success for the new year. Regards
Dennis Hogan, President
MEMBERSHIP – Paul Rashbook
An important part of any club is its members, existing and new. This year we lost Greg (deceased but still looking down on us). Barry transferred to North Sydney and Bev Hook who moved to the Blue Mountains.
We had the privilege of making Bev an Honorary Member for her services so she will not be lost to Rotary and our club. We also gained Lilian Hong who stepped into the role of Community Director.
Before the virus hit, we had spoken to numerous prospects with two showing interest in joining the club once we are over the virus!!
Zoom meetings seem to be a way of the future and will open new doors and opportunities for new members.
Club Account
Our club account balance as at 1/6/2020 $4,241.87 Our annual membership fees paid by our 21 active members
contributed to our account $7,176.67
The subscriptions fund our annual fees paid to Rotary District
and Rotary International, the amount being $6,090.75
We received income from event meal tickets, sale of our club
clothing totalling $2,120.50
Sergeant’s sessions fines totalling $1,212.10
We also pay our weekly meeting costs and event costs from
this account and this year we have paid to Magpies Club $3,602.85
Charitable Account
Our charitable account relies on our ability to raise funds through donations, club events and sale of sourced products.
This year has indeed been challenging but we have raised
Trivia night $2,321.00
Daffodil Day $2,563.65
Wine Sales $4,120.00
Bushfire and Drought Relief $5,675.00
Sale of sundry goods from Carnival Cruise Line and Book Sales $ 986.45
Out of these funds we have donated the following amounts to Australian Charitable Organisations totalling $9,500:
1.Legacy |
$250 |
5.HK Women’s Shelter |
$ 500 |
2.Epilepsy Australia |
$250 |
6.Kurrajong Nth Rich Rotary |
$4,000 |
3.Prostate Cancer |
$500 |
7. Drought Relief |
$3,500 |
4.Dementia Australia |
$500 |
Our balance of A/C as at 1/6/2020 $12,551.42
less unpresented cheques $9,500 $3,051.42
Coin Account
We have only collected 485.00 kgs this year through our local and interstate partner clubs in Victoria, ACT, QLD, South Australia & West Australia.
$ 15,547.25 has been deposited to our account this year albeit that we have not been able to exchange our volume of coin inventory since February this year due to Pandemic.
We have raised the following cheques to our recipient international charities totalling
$15,151.48 :
International Beneficiary |
R Club Goolwa S.A. |
$1974.40 |
Malaria Vaccine Project |
R Club St. Ives NSW |
$ 560.32 |
R Club Hornsby Dist |
$2000.00 |
Malaria Vaccine Project |
$ 100.00 |
Rotary Foundation |
$1000.00 |
Shelterbox |
$ 500.00 |
Port Klang |
$ 500.00 |
$ 500.00 |
Mitrataa |
$ 500.00 |
Nkosi Orphanage South Africa |
$ 500.00 |
Koto Vietnam |
R Club of Woden ACT |
$ 752.00 |
Cyclone Harold Disaster Relief |
R Club of Keilor VIC |
$1500.00 |
Donations In Kind |
R Club of Keilor VIC |
$ 883.46 |
Cambodia Clean Water Pit |
R Club of Keilor VIC |
$ 448.00 |
R Club of Casterton VIC |
$ 179.00 |
Shelterbox |
R Club of Strathdale VIC |
$ 656.00 |
Developing Skills Org. P. Penh |
R Club of Wanneroo WA |
$2080.00 |
RAMS, Foundation ,East Timor |
R Club of Wahroonga NSW |
$ 518.40 |
Malaria Vaccine Project |
Our account balance as at 1/6/2020 $18,575.02
less unpresented cheques of $15,151.48 $3,423.54
Daffodil Day on 23 Aug 2019, raised $2,563.65. Dennis, Heather, Paul, David, Lilian, Monique, Sahar, Graham Hall, Bobby and Mat Kean MP
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Multicultural Day Fair at Hornsby Girls High School – Monster Book Sale, raised over $600 on 24 Aug 2019
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Bowel Care Program, held by 7 pharmacies over the Hornsby District raised $1,060 in June 2020 Trivia Night held on 28 Feb 2020, raised $2321.00
Due to Covid-19, the final date of Community Project is to be advised. Also, the Salvation Army annual appeal was cancelled
The year 2019-2020 will go down as a year like no other in the Rotary experience. COVID 19 has certainly impacted on all facets of Rotary life and made fundraising and fellowship extremely difficult.
With several events being cancelled, including the Annual District Conference, Pride of
Workmanship and the Seniors’ Luncheon, this report is far less comprehensive than it has been
In spite of the COVID 19 limitations, there have been some noteworthy events to be mentioned.
First and foremost was the 2018-2019 Changeover Dinner. This event was well-attended and new Directors introduced. President Dennis Hogan took on the responsibility of President via Zoom, for the 2019-2020 Rotary year.
The Rotary Club of Hornsby District turned 70 in this Rotary year!!!! Current and former Rotarians celebrated this milestone and shared stories and memories at Magpies on 27th November 2019 (the actual date is 4th November)
The Trivia Night which was originally scheduled for late 2019, was rescheduled to 28th February 2020. Although the event was not well-attended, the evening yielded some much-needed funds. Around $2,000 was raised to be distributed to local community groups.
I would like to personally thank the Rotarians who gave so much time to assist with this event, especially PP Simon Bryan who ran the event, and Rotarian Paul Rashbrook who collected so many vouchers and prizes.
Also, thanks to President Dennis Hogan, PP Bobby Holder, PP Gail Farr, PP Robert Caldwell and Rotarian Sharon Hurst for their support.
Melbourne Cup Night in November celebrated the “race that stopped the nation” with a best Hat, Best Tie and sweep stakes.
Weekly Club Bulletins are always well prepared and enjoyed by all. Thank you Heather Hogan for all you do for the Club.
Two of our speakers this year Mind Dog speaker Tony Edwards and Buddy
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Team Vista
Club meetings have continued right throughout the COVID 19 restrictions, with weekly ZOOM meetings being well-attended. Thank you to PP Bobby Holder for hosting the sessions and covering the costs.
In conclusion, I would like to thank President Dennis for a wonderful year in such challenging times. It has been a pleasure to be part of the 2019-2020 Board.
Work Experience for Students of Tottenham Central School
This year we did not receive any applications from Tottenham Central School for Work Experience.
Jodie Attenborough, the teacher who has taken over the role from Lynette Jarvis who was in charge of bringing the students from Tottenham informed that due to a variety of reasons including the drought, the students were not able to participate in the programme.
Our club together with the Rotary Club of Port Klang have arranged assistance both in kind, including 50 legs of ham for Christmas and financial aid to the drought stricken farmers of Tottenham. We hope to continue this programme the next Rotary year.
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Pride of Workmanship Awards
This year we received 5 nominations for the “Pride of Workmanship” awards. Nominations were received from Lady Davidson Private Hospital, Hornsby Girls High School, Asquith Girls High School, and from our Rotary members and friends.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID19 restrictions on gatherings we were not able to organise the Pride of Workmanship Awards evening that is one of the highlights of our club.
Job Talks
I would like to thank our members for their Job talks presented during the Rotary year.
I would also like to thank President Dennis for having given me the opportunity to serve in his committee despite not being able to carry out the planned programme this Rotary year due to the unforeseen circumstances
Speakers: Epilsepy Association, Mitratta, Team Vista, David Webster, Simon Bryan, David Webster
David Webster told us about his trip to St Andrews in 2019, this event is held each year, but not this year) Dennis I understand has put in a request to Heather for 2021.
COIN DATA - supplied by Heather Hogan
34.21 kg |
10.27 kg |
53.76 kg |
14.93 kg |
50.56 kg |
7.93 kg |
171.666 kg |
VICTORIA - Lynn Comer, Barbara Rafter, RC of Glenferrie |
114.58 kg |
23.50 kg |
61.70 kg |
15.01 kg |
17.151 kg |
16.20 kg |
65.00 kg |
484.807 kg |
154 |
SITES CLOSED 7 x NSW, 1 x Queensland, 4 x SA, 1 X Vic |
13 |
One of the sorters at work
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The International Service portfolio was well looked after by our beloved colleague Greg Timewell until his passing. Greg had many years of experience with this portfolio had was a passionate advocate for Rotary. After his passing, both David Webster and Kylie Williams co- shared the responsibility.
The foreign coin programme was once again our major source of funding for International projects. We would like to acknowledge our sorters: Jennifer Timewell, Heather Hogan, Maddie Holder, Anita and Stephen Bruce, David Webster and we would like to also acknowledge Geoff Sell and Mitten Vinyl for their constant support, coordination, storage of Rotary resources,
including coins and chairs. Of course, the programme wouldn’t be what it is today without the constant commitment of those on the Coin Committee. All those mentioned have done an outstanding job for us once again.
The current Coin Committee, consisting of Bill Scott, Stephen Bruce, Dennis Hogan, Geoff Sell, Bobby Holder have once again coordinated and tracked the collection and replacement of coin boxes and organized the repatriation of coins where possible.
Unfortunately, with the onset of COVID-19 in the early part of 2020, international travel worldwide was put on hold. Borders closed and flights were cancelled across the globe, making repatriation of coins impossible. This meant that our end of year donations was substantially lower than normal. We expect that this will be made up in the coming year, when travel once again can resume.
We currently have many Rotary Clubs supporting our coin programme Australia wide, including the Rotary Clubs of Goolwa (SA), RC of Wanneroo (WA), RC of Keilor (with special mention of Barbara Rafter who coordinates the Coin collection with other clubs within Victoria). We also work with clubs in the ACT as well as local clubs such as St Ives and Wahroonga. We are looking to partner with clubs in Alice Springs (NT) and on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Due to presentations about our coin programme by Bobby Holder and Geoff Sell we are getting enquiries from other clubs interested in receiving more information.
Amounts collected, weighed and distributed:
Rotary Club of Goolwa SA |
$1974.40 |
Rotary Clubs of Victoria |
$3566.56 |
Rotary Clubs of WA |
$2080.00 |
$752.00 |
Rotary Club of Turramurra |
$560.32 |
Rotary Club of Wahroonga |
$518.40 |
As well as coins to be repatriated, we have also sold off other coins on e-Bay including Sovereigns, Florins and specialised tokens. This has been with the help of Simon Bryan and mention must also go to Abbotsleigh Girls High School for helping to sort and collect coins.
We were also grateful to work with Carnival Cruise lines who donated goods to be sold and/or donated on to other charities. They have to date donated large deck chairs, disposable coffee cups, reception chairs, some of which we have donated to Hornsby Connect and to areas affected by drought.
This year, our total donations from the coin programme for Rotary Club of Hornsby District were distributed as follows:
Malaria Research |
$2,000.00 |
With hundreds of thousands of people dying from Malaria each year, the Rotary Club of Hornsby District continues to support Malaria Research in the hope that a cure may be found. |
Shelterbox |
$1000.00 |
in memory of Greg Timewell. |
Nkosi Haven Orphanage |
$500.00 |
this money has been used to purchase masks and other essentials for the orphanage. |
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Mitrataa Foundation |
$500 |
This is a Nepalese organisation which helps people to empower themselves and to take responsibility for their own futures by providing them with the education, skills, training, networks and belief in themselves to achieve their dreams. |
Port Klang Rotary Club |
$500 |
The Rotary Club of Port Klang has been supportive of the Rotary Club of Hornsby District with donations to contribute to the bushfire and drought campaigns. This money will help fund their projects in Malaysia. |
Rotary Foundation |
$100.00 |
2019/2020 was not a very active year in the Youth Portfolio.
We had hoped to raise sufficient funds from the Trivia Night to undertake Youth Exchange again but as it turned out to be our only major fundraiser for the year (due to COVID-19) the small amount of funds raised did not reach that level and were used to support other very worthwhile local projects. We were also unable to send anyone to RYLA.
We kept in contact with several of our previous exchange students and had Marie Wyzen from Belgium visit us a guest speaker via Zoom.
Chloe Sterren from Switzerland, an exchange student came to visit
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Another Marie (Greune) from Germany who had visited the club the year before gave birth to their second baby, a boy Mauritz, co-incidentally born on my birthday.
2019/2020 - a year unlike no other